Friday, July 23, 2010

Tiger attacks guy on elephant full video

This program centers on a hypothetical battle between two animals that could possibly meet in the wild, or in some cases, have been compared to each other by scientists. CGI  replicas and models were used to collect data (such as strength, bite force, etc.) about the animals. Then, in a virtual arena, a brief computer-animated fight scene reveals the results. Since this was done artificially, results may vary. Each episode of Animal Face-Off is 1 hour long, with the exception of the 12th episode, which is 2 hours long (including commercials).

This exotic animal production brings you both an inspirational and educational program featuring an African Elephant. Although all the behaviors are natural they provide entertainment rarely seen by the public. For example, you will see the elephant paint, play basketball, soccer, play a harmonica and even enjoy its daily shower. At the same time the audience is educated on its origins, mating, feeding and family activities. This unique family program also features five Bengal Tigers who are also on display helping to educate the public on this endangered species. The Tigers are well cared for and loved. They consume 12-14 lbs. of beef or chicken daily and undergo regular medical check ups by a certified Vet. Fortunately these incredible cats as well as the elephant are helping to save the lives of many others in captivity with no other means of survival by raising funds for the Wild Life Rescue Center in N. Ft. Myers, Florida, a “not for profit” organization.

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